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Your farm’s water can contain infectious bacteria, nitrates, heavy metals, or numerous other impurities that will harm animal health. That means lower performance, fewer payable pounds, and smaller profits.
8:00am to 4:00pm Monday - Friday

(815) 369-2195

Poultry Products

Improving Weight Gain, Decreasing Mortality, Lowering FCR

Assist partners with broiler and turkey producers to examine all aspects of the grow out process.  Assist helps producers correct toxic issues in poultry drinking water by targeting the removal of sulfates as well as various heavy metals such as iron and manganese in both well and municipal water sources. We understand the critical need to adjust and monitor pH of the drinking water in order to provide optimal conditions in the gut.

Assist’s products create safer environments for grow out by reducing or eliminating hazardous ammonia odor problems with OMRI Certified litter amendment products as well as environmentally safe hard surface cleaning solutions for barns and equipment.

In addition to its focus on drinking water, Assist provides sound probiotic solutions which promote healthy microbial populations in the gut. This step is critical for “rebalancing” the gut resulting in better livability, enhanced weight gain, and increased feed efficiency.

For more information about poultry success stories, click here.

Introducing the Assist Micro Dry-Spray System.  This system uses a proprietary solution of the natural oxidant hypochlorous acid (HOCL) and an antimicrobial solution (AMS). Our technology then converts and dispenses the solution as a non-toxic dry fog filling every cubic inch of enclosed areas to provide surface and air disinfection in confined animal facilities.

Using a proprietary blend of HOCL we can cover 225,000 cubic ft. in approximately 20 minutes, with animals present. Our solution provides a very simple way to kill viruses and bacteria during the grow cycle of animal production.  Micro Dry-Spray Systems operate solely with compressed air and our HOCL solution.


Poultry Products