Better Biosecurity

Easy-to-Use & Cost Effective

Paerolyte Fluid Duo Generator

Better Biosecurity has developed a portable fluid generator to provide livestock growers with on-site production of the Paeroyte disinfectant. On-site fluid production allows growers to expand the usage of Paerolyte throughout the facility, and replace any existing chemical-based disinfectants with a safe, non-toxic, and more effective alternative. In addition to micro-spraying, Paerolyte may be used as a traditional spray, mop or power wash application and is highly effective at disinfecting and removing biofilms from animal drinking lines.

Safe & Non-Toxic


Cost Effective


Our fluid generator provides immediate advantages by supplying ready to use, on demand product availability, and eliminates the costs of purchasing, storage, site preparation, mixing of concentrates, shipping, waste, and garbage disposal. Paerolyte may be applied with no protective equipment, and will keep employees safe from chemical burns, toxic fumes and irritation.